Refund Policy:
Your satisfaction is our goal. If you are not happy with any purchase we will refund or exchange your item within 30 days of your purchase. after 30 Days there is a 20% restocking fee.
Shofars From Afar, LLC
P.O. Box 55
Istachatta, FL 34636
Operating hours 9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Time
All sales are final on closeout items -no returns
We do sell quality products and guarantee that the product we send you is free of defects. We will replace an item within 90 days of purchase if the item becomes defective i.e. a stone falling out of a pendant. Shofars have natural "defects" and sometimes a smell, because they are natural and come from the horn of an animal. We guarantee that all our shofars have been properly honed to blow and make sound.
1. All goods sent to the UK are liable to customs duty and Value Added Tax on importation whether or not the package is marked as a “gift.” Packages are admitted free of customs charges, however, if they meet the following conditions:
a. Gift packages of small value.
b. Gift packages containing only well-worn clothing (excluding garments of high value), limited quantities of foodstuffs (other than caviar), soap or consumable medical supplies.
2. We do not charge taxes to our UK customers but the UK may impose a tax on items received. This is not our policy but the policy of the UK- If you are with an organization that has a registered charity number in the UK please let us know so we can put this on your customs forms - this will help.
Su Satisfacción es nuestro Objetivo. Si no está satifecho con su compra, le reembolsaremos su dinero o se lo remplazaremos por otro si está dentro de los primeros 30 días de su compra.
Shofars From Afar, LLC
P.O. Box 55
Istachatta, FL 34636
Horas 9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Time, (Tiempo Eastern)
Vendemos Productos de Calidad y le garantizamos que el producto que le enviamos no contiene defectos. Remplazaremos un producto con 90 días de compra si el producto viene defectuoso, por ejemplo: si una de las piedras de un pendiente se despega.
Los Shofars tienen "defectos" naturales y en ocasiones un olor peculiar, Esto es debido a que son cuernos naturales provenientes de un animal. le garantizamos que todos nuestros shofars han sido tratados correctamente para ser soplados y reproducir el sonido.